Vibration Analyzer
Ultrasonic Leak Detector
V-MER, smart vibration analyzer, automatic analysis covers:  - Automatic ISO 10816-3...
  V-Starter - Smart Vibration Analyzer is for analyzing vibrations in industrial mac...

ESS Power distributor in Indonesia


A large industry at this time of course requires a variety of new tools to a qualified workforce in order to run a business well. From operational matters to management, everything must be done maximally so that the results obtained are also maximum, in accordance with the company's target.

With this condition, so many industries that ultimately require a variety of specific tools, according to the business they run. Not all industries use the same tools. Surely there are various kinds of industrial tools that are used according to their uses. Moreover, the tools used are also very needed. If you do not use these tools, then the business will not run well. Instead of wanting to benefit from the business, there is the only failure because it is not supported by quality tools.

Especially if you look at the oil and gas industry which is an important part of a country, including Indonesia. It cannot be denied, the oil and gas industry must indeed be in a strong position to be able to meet the needs of all the people in the country. By seeing how important this industry is, we also need tools that can support activities in it to be even better in terms of performance.

In the oil and gas industry, there is certainly much heavy equipment used. In addition, other tools are also needed to be able to keep all work well, and according to the rules. One indispensable tool in this industry is rotating equipment. What is the rotating equipment?

For the countless lay in this industry, rotating equipment is a mechanical component in the oil and gas industry to be able to move liquids, gases, and other process materials with kinetic energy. But actually not only to move liquids or gases but also to help the process of service and repair of other tools. Call it an engine, compressor, turbine, pump, generator, blower, to the gearbox.

To be able to get service in rotating equipment repair, it is necessary to have qualified tools that can help the process. Moreover, this is for tools in the oil and gas industry. It is sure to be complicated and dangerous if the quality of the tools used for repairs tends to be poor. Fortunately, now there is no need to worry anymore in finding a quality rotating equipment repair tool. You can use tools from ESS Power.

ESS Power is an engineering consulting company that provides services and repairs for rotating equipment. Founded in 2004, ESS Power continues to develop the technology they have to be able to be used by the oil and gas industry throughout the country. Actually, in Indonesia itself, there are already using tools from ESS Power, one of which is the SCG group.

The tools created by ESS Power are actually diverse. But in 2006, ESS Power focused on making RCM (Reliability Center Maintenance software for PTTEP and also the Petrochemical industry (used for the SCG group).

In its journey, ESS Power not only developed software, but also various tools for the maintenance of industrial machinery. Starting from the vibration analyzer, laser shaft alignment, borescope, ultrasonic inspection tool, flow meter, and others.

Indeed, from the beginning, ESS Power focused on making products that could be used by industry in the maintenance of very complex and diverse machines. So from the product side, the existence of ESS Power is needed by the oil and gas industry. But ESS Power doesn't stop there.

Every time, ESS Power always tries to develop several other products. There are customized tools to develop industrial inspection. Then proceed with establishing an R&D navel that can develop industrial inspection equipment in 2013. Then towards 2015, ESS Power can build a laboratory in the Science Park by the National Science and Technology Development Agency.

In greatness, ESS Power is not in doubt. With a dozen years of experience in this industry, the tools made by ESS Power are certainly worth using and capable of being a mainstay.

If you think it is difficult to get ESS Power products in Indonesia, you are wrong. PT Hyprowira is a trusted provider of ESS Power products in Indonesia at this time because it is supported by the best tools and qualified staff. We provide all of the products previously described above. You don't need to worry about the availability of this tool. We always try to fulfill every request from buyers as quickly as possible. We also always try to provide the best service by preparing products from ESS Power with quality that can be maintained during use. That way, you can get products for the rotating equipment you want as quickly as possible.

PT Hyprowira is a distributor of various types of industrial equipment in Indonesia. Our presence in Indonesia aims to sell various types of industrial equipment so that each industry can get the best quality equipment. So for those of you who are interested in using ESS Power products that we distribute in Indonesia, please contact us now. Don't miss the opportunity to get the best products from us so that your business operations can run well and smoothly. The optimal results that you want to get can also be achieved as soon as possible.




What is ESS Power?

ESS Power is a company that focuses on selling condition monitoring equipment and services for rotating equipment.


Are There Any Products Offered by ESS Power?

For ESS Power products in Hyprowira, you can get the V-MER Smart Vibration Analyzer. This tool can be used to measure machine vibrations so that they can analyze and identify problems automatically. So there is no need to use experts to interpret the results of vibration readings. The final results and recommendations are obtained by using artificial intelligence so that the assessment becomes much more accurate and faster.


What Prices Are Offered for ESS Power Products?

For prices offered in ESS Power products, you can ask us by telephone (+622129662266 and +622129662277), contact us by email at, or contact us via Whatsapp at +628159003885. We will immediately provide you the latest price info from ESS Power.


How to Shop ESS Power Products?

To be able to buy products from ESS Power, you just have to visit the Hyprowira website with the website address Then you click the Products section in the website menu section. Then you just click see the product in the ESS POWER section. You will immediately be brought into all ESS Power products available at Hyprowira. Furthermore, you just need to contact us further to order.


What About the ESS Power Product Payment System?

The payment system for ESS Power products is easy. After you order, we will immediately send the account number to which you transfer. Then you can immediately transfer according to the nominal price of the ESS Power product you want to buy.


For Delivery of ESS Power Products, How Fast Will Goods Come?

We will send your item immediately after you make a payment. Keep in mind too. The faster you transfer according to the nominal value of the purchased ESS Power product, the goods will arrive soon. We can ship ESS Power products throughout Indonesia as well.


Why Should I Buy ESS Power Products at Hyprowira?

Of course, you have to buy ESS Power products at Hyprowira because we are the only authorized distributor of ESS Power products. That way, the products we provide are definitely authentic and official. You don't need to be afraid of the quality and authenticity of ESS Power products. We guarantee everything you buy from Hyprowira is an original item from ESS Power.


For More Information, Where Can I Contact?

For more information about ESS Power products, you can contact us as ESS Power's distributor in Indonesia, by telephone (+622129662266 and +622129662277), contact us via email at, or contact us via Whatsapp at +628159003885.