ANDRITZ Dry Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)

Category: Air Pollution Control

ESP (Electrostatistic Precipitator) uses electrical force to remove particles from exhaust gas. The high voltage source produces a corona current that charges the particles, then the particles migrate to the collecting platform. Particles are removed from the court in a certain regular order.


In the last decade, ESP technology at ANDRITZ has experienced significant progress, especially with the development of ANDRITZ SIR (Switched Integrated Rectifier)  enabled integrated rectifiers for ESP energy. This results in continuous improvements in particle removal efficiency, as well as reduced capital and operational costs, as well as carbon footprint.



Andritz ESP



As one of the oldest technologies used in creating clean air, ANDRITZ provides a variety of robust and reliable ESP designs for a variety of industrial and power generation applications.


Main features of ANDRITZ Dry Electrostatic Precipitator:
• Flexible layout and modular design
• Can be adapted to small volumetric exhaust gas flows (ELPAC) or very large
• Multiple electrode/rapping designs
• Industrial and power generation applications, with more than 2,500 references worldwide
• With diverse experience, we have expertise in managing various types of fuel, from low sulfur, high heat resistant coal to 100% biomass.
• 4th generation Switched Integrated Rectifier (SIR) as a high frequency power supply or integrated ESP control system for conventional transformer rectifiers (T/R), both with energy optimization algorithms (EPOQ, power down rapping)
• Removal efficiency up to 99.95% (dPM > 5 µm)
• Outgoing particle emissions as low as 10 mg/Nm 3


For further information, please contact PT Hyprowira Adhitama as the Andritz distributor in Indonesia.

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