Timbangan Analitik: Fungsi, Bagian-Bagian, dan Jenisnya
Analytical Balance

Analytical Scales: Functions, Parts, and Types

Created By: Hyprowira | Published Date: 01 August 2019 | Last Modified: 17 December 2019

Analytical scales are sensitive laboratory instruments designed to measure mass accurately. The difference with other scales is that these scales have a readability range of 0.1 mg - 0.01 mg, specifically for weighing very light objects. Analytical scales have a protective design to prevent air currents from affecting the object being weighed. This scale is used to detect very fine increments so that even the slightest vibration can affect the weight results.

Analytical scales are referred to as very common instruments or laboratory instruments. In all laboratories, analytical scales must be a must because it is one of the most frequently used tools. With these conditions, analytical scales fall into the general laboratory equipment category. In addition to analytical scales, other tools that fall into the category of general laboratory equipment include laminar airflow, moisture analyzers, and micropipettes.

As explained above, analytical scales do have to be used with caution. If not used carefully and in accordance with the conditions, the resulting scales can actually be messy and not in accordance with reality. As such, analytical scales must be used in special rooms with the least amount of disturbance. These scales also need to be monitored carefully and are often calibrated. Most analytical scales have internal calibration and automatic calibration with external weights. Want to know complete information on functions, parts, and types of analytical scales? Come on, see the complete information below!


Analytical Scales Function

Not much different from the function of the scales in general, analytical scales function to weigh the mass of a substance or object. The difference, as mentioned earlier, is that analytical scales are usually used by people who work in laboratories. Because of this, analytical scales are also often referred to as laboratory scales. People who use the scales used in this laboratory are called laboratory assistants.

Besides being used by laboratory assistants, these scales are also commonly used by analysis or researchers. Indeed, to use analytical scales, there are separate designations for users. Why is that? This all begins with the use of the most widely done in the laboratory and specifically to analyze an item or object.

But that's not all. Generally, analytical scales are used to weigh the composition of new substances from a predetermined number of substances. An example is the ORS solution. ORS solution that has a bad taste can be consumed if given guava flavoring with the appropriate composition. By using analytical scales, researchers can get the composition of weights that are appropriate for the mixture so as to obtain maximum results.

For those who are curious about how to use analytical scales correctly, we will give you an example of the ingredients in the ORS solution. Have you ever tried doing an experiment by combining 5 grams of sugar and 5 grams of salt that was stirred together in a glass with 100ml of water? From there you will see which is more dominant. Usually, salty tastes more dominant on the tongue than sweetness.

But when talking about the ORS solution, then what is in the taste is not good. Fortunately, there are many solutions that you can do so that the taste of ORS can be better when taken. The trick is to provide additional cashew juice to be more comfortable to drink. It can also with lemon juice. From the way out to make ORS solution more delicious when taken this is what the researchers thought. Existing compositions are made using analytical scales so that the number of materials needed can get maximum results. A good taste of ORS can also be obtained by people who drink it.


Analytical Scales Sections

Triple beam balance is an instrument used to measure mass very precisely. This device has a reading error of +/- 0.05 grams. The name refers to three beams on an analytical scale, which are the middle beam of the largest size, the front beam of the medium size, and the beam of the smallest size of the beam. The different beam sizes indicate the different weights and reading scales carried by each beam.

Triple beam balance can be used to measure mass directly to an object, find masses with differences for liquids, and measure a substance. The parts of the triple beam balance are as follows:

- Weighing pan. The area where the object is to be weighed.

- Base. The base is placed under the Weighing pan and can usually be adjusted to fit on the workbench or be mounted with tripod legs.

- Beams. Three beams on the scale are used to adjust the level of precision, with each beam working at different increments (1-10 grams, 10 grams, and 100 grams).

- Riders. Riders are sliding pointers that are placed on top of balance beams to show the mass in grams on the pan and beam.


Types of Analytical Scales

In addition to knowing the functions and parts in them, you also need to know the types of analytical scales. Generally, the types of analytical scales are divided into two types based on how they are used. The two types of analytical scales are:


Analog Analytical Scales

This type of analytical balance has an operation process that is still manual. The operation process is done by sliding the slider. To be able to see the mass of a substance using analog analytical scales, it is important for you to move the slider. For example, if there are 3 slider arms that can be shifted, then to analyze the mass of the substance you need to move the three sliders until the scales become balanced. After the balance is balanced, then you can see the amount of weight of the substance.


Digital Analytical Scales

Unlike analog analytical scales, digital analytical scales offer ease of operation. To calculate the mass of a substance, all you need to do is place the substance to be measured in the container that has been provided or known as the balance pan. Because it is easy to use, digital analytical scales are a favorite of laboratory assistants and researchers to work more practically and efficiently.


That is information about the large analytic scales of their functions and types. Hopefully, the information above is useful!


Ways To Use Analytical Scales

Ways to use analytical scales there are various steps that you must do. Want it analog analytical scales and digital analytical scales. Usually, it is clearly written in each of the manual books of the analytic scales, but we will still provide steps on how to use the analytical scales clearly and in detail below. This is the stage using analytical scales.

First, to start using analytical scales in the laboratory, you should sit comfortably in front of the analytical scales. Don't forget to put your analytical balance in front of you at a distance that you can easily reach. Happens, you will not have difficulties when using it. Observe the analytical scales you will use because there might not be any accustomed to using new analytical scales.

After that, you can start turning on the analytical scales used by pressing the power button. But before that, you should first check the electricity you use. Have you used the power supply or not. More recommended when using analytical scales, use a power supply so that the electric power generated can be stable.

Analytical scales are on. Then what to do? You have to wait first so that the position of the number on the screen is stable, an alias is at zero. Usually, in some cases, the analytical scales used do not show zero. To be able to be in a stable number, then you should look back to the manual so that you can do the settings first.

The next step is to weigh. Usually, there are analytic scales that have a protector around them. For that, you should first open the protective door before inserting the material or object to be weighed on the disk in it.

As explained above, analytical scales must be used with caution. Likewise when putting ingredients or different in it. Do it carefully by thinking about the maximum limit of the capacity of the analytical balance. If you do not pay attention to the maximum limit, then the analytical balance used can be damaged.

After the material or object that you want to weigh is already on the analytical scale, don't immediately record the numbers that come out on the screen. That number is not yet stable. It's a good idea to wait a few moments to be able to note how many masses of material or objects you are weighing.

When you have finished weighing, do not leave any material or object that has been weighed in the analytical balance. Immediately remove it so that the analytical balance is empty.

The next step is to clean analytical scales. The tool that can be used is a small brush. Clean analytical scales evenly to keep them clean after use.

Finally, the protective cover of the analytical scales tightly in order to maintain quality and cleanliness.


How to Take Care of Analytical Scales

For those who already have or want to have analytical scales, of course, they want analytical scales to remain in prime condition and clean of impurities. For that, it takes several ways to treat analytical scales that you can do below. What are some ways you can treat analytical scales? The following is the full explanation.

The first way to care for analytic scales is to place analytical scales on a table or flat section. Do not put analytical scales in bumpy areas or in places that are often exposed to the interaction of objects or other people because analytical scales are sensitive devices.

Another way is not to drop objects that are too heavy and extreme in analytical scales. Especially for these extreme objects, usually, it is still within the limits of the maximum measurement of analytical scales, but it is still dangerous for the conditions of analytical scales for later use.

The next way is not to use analytical scales for hazardous chemicals directly on top of analytical scales. We recommend that you use other containers first as a place to put these hazardous chemicals.

For materials or objects that want to be weighed to have extreme temperatures, such as too cold or too hot, you should wait a while for the object to be in a condition of normal temperature or room temperature.

Another way to treat analytical scales is to avoid using brushes that are too clean for cleaning analytical scales. In addition, do not often move or shift analytical scales to various places. Analytic scales might be damaged and the results of the scales are no longer accurate.


That is information about analytical scales. From the function, type, how to use to how to care for it. Hopefully, the information above can be useful for you!